Tenute Lunelli

Tenute Lunelli

About Tenute Lunelli

Category Wines, Spirits & Ciders

The project began in the 1980s, with the creation of still wines in Trentino that capitalized the experience gained through years of growing Chardonnay and Pinot Noir in high hillside vineyards. From the start of the new millennium, the family began paying particular attention to regions with a consolidated reputation for the production of fine red wines. Seduced by the charm of the hills of the Costa Toscana, and in particular by the vineyard filled hill on which the historic Casale Podernovo lies. They began their adventure in Tuscany by acquiring forty hectares in the village of Terricciola.

In 2001 the ancient and mystical region of Umbria and the powerful and age worthy Sagrantino wine was what captured their attention. The Lunelli family purchased land in Bevagna and Montefalco, partly planted and later built the cellar-sculpture of Carapace.

After several decades of commitment, this large-scale project encapsulating agriculture and life, high-quality, and beauty became the Tenute Lunelli brand. A seal chosen to express the typical characteristics of areas that are especially suited for making fine wines: products that interpret their particular terroirs in a profound way and whose distinguishing trait is their elegance and longevity.

Comparing themselves to “artisans of time” who wait patiently for their grapes to ripen on the vine and for their wines to mature in the dark depths of the cellar, the Lunelli Estates have chosen to represent their new identity by resorting to the symbolism of the phases of the moon. As artisans of time, with a history of painstaking labour in the vineyards behind them, the Lunelli Estates are now producing elegant, long-lived wines that are able to withstand the test of time.

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