Tenuta Antonini

Tenuta Antonini

About Tenuta Antonini

Category Wines, Spirits & Ciders

The first harvest of Tenuta Antonini was that of 2020.
A very young winery, which, however, can already approach the Italian viticulture sector as a protagonist, thanks to a bond with the territory and with the world of wine over four generations.

Alessio and his father Marco have in fact brought to fulfilment the dream of Simplicio Antonini, who left in search of fortune to the shores of the United States in the first post-war period and returned to invest everything he had hard earned in the creation of a family farm.

From here, a growth process that is anything but linear originates, but with a single common denominator: love for one’s land and for wine.
Thanks to the experience gained by Marco, founder of a leading company in the intermediation in the wine sector, and to Alessio’s conviction of finally wanting to carry out his great-grandfather’s project, Tenuta Antonini was born: wines expression of the Teramo Hills, ready to conquer the world.

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