

About Mangilli

Category Wines, Spirits & Ciders

Mangilli was founded in the late 1800s, in a small town south of Udine in the Venice region, by the Marquis Mangilli. The distillery was born from the passion of the Marquis Fabio Mangilli, who began a production for his family, friends and a few of the district hosts, expert tasters and connoisseurs of grappa in Friuli.

In 1977, the company acquired a larger size, the Marquis passed the reins to Francesco Perissinotto, a global wine-lover, who continued the work which begun a hundred years earlier with the same love and care that allowed the Marquises to affirm Mangilli grappa among the best on the market. Thanks to Perissinotto, the company opened up to the wine market and slowly but steadily, the brand’s progression placed itself in the high end of the market due to their quality products being sought after.

In 2019 the company was acquired by the Caffo 1915 group, famous for the production of Vecchio Amaro del Capo, immediately relaunching the line of grappa and prosecco D.O.C. Mangilli in the Italian and foreign market.

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